We are licensed resellers of TRACOM products. Please contact us to learn more about these powerful tools.
TRACOM creates effective individuals and leaders and more productive organizations. SOCIAL STYLE products help companies excel, even in a challenging business environment. Research has documented the connection between SOCIAL STYLE and Emotional Intelligence (EQ) and these skills are shown to improve leadership, sales and managerial and team performance.
About The TRACOM Group
The TRACOM Group is a workplace performance company. Everything TRACOM does is geared toward creating a more effective workforce and work environment. Whether it's through interpersonal skills training, team development programs, sales effectiveness training, survey and assessment design, or consulting in the areas of performance management, leadership development, or employee engagement, we partner with TRACOM to provide solutions for our customers.
Connections Whitepapers
GROW Model -- New Connections PDF
For TRACOM Videos on Social Style, please go to
the E-Learning section.